14 years ago
Da house so far
Tight budgets, a new dog, football season and the arrival of the holidays has kept us from really digging into work on the house. Here's some of the main level so far (warning: it's messy because I built a cabinet for the powder room, have wedding thank you note paraphernalia on the dining room table, etc.).
Powder room progress
WOOOO HOOO I painted the powder room tonight! Another coat is going on tomorrow as my pup watches, then the husband will get home to do the hard stuff! I'm bouncing around my den with a beer because I'm so happy with the color! Don't worry - only half the wall is painted because we're putting up beadboard that'll be 3 or 4 feet high.
Eight Point Prancer
We've seen deer in our backyard - a doe and a fawn, and a buck here and there but this guy was big! He doesn't look like much from the picture we captured from the front porch. But that's because we were in such awe that we were unable to get the camera fast enough. But he was so pretty!
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