Breakfast Area Light Fixture Redo

Well, this is how this poor light started out in life...
Then it was installed (lights pointing down since its reversible) in my best friend Katrina's house. She decided it wasn't quite up to par with her design scheme so she replaced it with this...
Since she took it down, she gave it to me and then it lived in my garage for a few months (ok, more like a year)...
Now I've painted it, got new glass shades for it and it's gloriously hanging in my kitchen's breakfast area! TAAAAH DAAAAAAH...

Me gusta mucho. The light fixture was free due to my BFF's generosity. New glass shades cost $6.27 (each, so x 5 plus tax = less than $34). And 2 cans of brushed bronze Krylon spray paint cost about $6.00. So total for a Pottery Barn-esce light fixture cost me $40 (this was the look I was going for: Which is a lot easier on my wallet than $400+!

Hope ya'll like it as much as I do! And thanks for stopping by My Roswell Home!


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